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lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2012

Restauración del patrimonio histórico municipal a iniciativa privada

Restauración del patrimonio histórico municipal a iniciativa privada

¿Podrá implementarse esta iniciativa en España? 

Ello incrementaría el valor del patrimonio histórico español y con ello el turismo cultural, fuente de ingresos.

( traducido por google)

Aseguramiento es una de las herramientas de la Fundación Heritage: Ayuda a movilizar patrocinio popular a favor de proyectos de preservación del patrimonio local, sector público o voluntario.

Las suscripciones son bien realizado varios Aquitania y relacionar diversos proyectos ubicados en los cinco departamentos. Usted también puede traer su apoyo para ayudar a preservar nuestro patrimonio .

¿Cuál es el plan?

En caso de insuficiencia de fondos para proyectos de restauración, incluyendo la gestión de proyectos es proporcionada por un municipio o una asociación, la suscripción puede ayudar a recaudar el dinero necesario para completar estos proyectos.
La Heritage Foundation recauda fondos e invertir el órgano de contratación (al final de la obra, previa presentación de facturas) y todo el dinero recogido, menos los gastos de gestión (3-5%).
Con el reconocimiento de utilidad pública, de la Heritage Foundation puede recibir donaciones de personas físicas o jurídicas que participan en un proyecto.
Todas las donaciones a la Fundación del Patrimonio son deducibles de impuestos:
- impuesto sobre la renta de las personas físicas de hasta el 66% de la donación, el límite global del 20% de la renta imponible, excepto para las personas que hayan obtenido la Fundación durante la vigencia del mismo  ;
- impuesto sobre el patrimonio, el 75% de la donación, dentro del límite de € 50.000 (este límite se alcanza cuando la donación es de € 66 666), excepto para las personas que hayan obtenido la Fundación durante el período de los mismos  ;
- el impuesto de sociedades al 60% de la donación, a menos de 5 ‰ del volumen de negocios, pero las empresas que trabajaron en el proyecto de restauración de las obras contenidas en el Contrato de Suscripción .
La suscripción se puede implementar cuando el proyecto esté finalizado y un plan de financiación ha sido establecida.
Queda entendido que la aprobación previa del Delegado Departamental de la Fundación Heritage es necesario para el establecimiento de este tipo de operación.
El procedimiento:
El propietario debe devolver el archivo antes de lanzar una campaña de patrocinio popular (ver PDF a continuación) con:  fotografías de buena calidad (y los detalles de todas las partes en restauración), y preferiblemente digital,  de todo presupuesto de la obra (incluyendo el arquitecto estimación posible) asegurarse de que la naturaleza del trabajo se detalla de manera que la Heritage Foundation puede examinar la admisibilidad de los diversos elementos de trabajo ,  un plan de financiación de la operación (para HT imponible común para las asociaciones).
Estos elementos permitirán a la delegación para estudiar los diversos aspectos del proyecto.
Si el dictamen es favorable, el Delegado Departamental y el cliente firman un acuerdo (4 copias). Ella tiene que recordar las responsabilidades y las modalidades prácticas relativas a la ejecución de la operación.
The Heritage Foundation y luego hizo el modelo de la suscripción que contiene los requisitos legales (la impresión de las papeletas suscripción está a cargo del cliente).

 Presentar antes de lanzar una campaña de patrocinio populares (111,5 kb)
 Guía práctica de suscripción (2,6 MB)

martes, 13 de noviembre de 2012

La cortesía de lo civilizado ( 10 min.)

La cortesía de lo civilizado
Juan B. Lorenzo de Membiela

Los modales imprimen ritmo a una organización. Permiten que varias personas trabajen juntas, se agraden o no (Ivancevich ,2006). Pero la cortesía no es valorada por los jóvenes provocando que lo atávico se manifieste imponiendo jerarquías de dominación. Mucha de la problemática de la empresa, pública o privada, de su eficiencia, de su valor, de su confort, obedece a estas deficiencias culturales.

La organización es un sistema vivo en donde lo emocional desempeña una función estratégica tanto o más esencial que los objetivos. Hablo, incluso, de la burocracia maquinal en donde la interpretación de las normas siempre facilita un humanismo del que brotan compromisos sinceros en beneficio de la empresa. Para ello hace falta una consciencia previa, inculcada o innata, de lo que es el trabajo y lo que significa para el hombre. Muy pocas veces se encuentra esa   «sensibilidad ».

La cortesía facilita la vida en sociedad haciéndola más confiable, humana, sincera, solidaria. Se trata de controlar los instintos animales para mantener un medio laboral y social sostenible. Nuestra civilización se edifica sobre la dignidad de la persona, rechaza la tiranía de lo natural: la opción del fuerte sobre el débil, el abandono del incapaz, la sinrazón de la fuerza bruta física o psíquica, la competencia por la comida, la destrucción por el poder, la violencia por el espacio.
Lo que distingue al hombre del resto de especies es la llamada « eusociabilidad » junto al altruismo (Wilson, 2012): « miembros de grupos que contienen múltiples generaciones y que están dispuestos a realizar actos altruistas como parte de su división de trabajo ».

Esa cooperación se edificó sobre códigos de comportamiento que inspirasen confianza y seguridad. La cooperación como herramienta de prosperidad: respeto para lo individual y compromiso para la comunidad.

El modernismo, el movimiento de mayo de 1968 francés y sus repercusiones políticas años después; las tendencias de consumo de masas, la lucha contra la autoridad por sí misma, la crisis de las ideologías, el despotismo de lo económico, los procesos de ingeniería social y manipulación de masas, motivaron que los modales fueran tenidos como anticuados. Reminiscencias de un mundo necesitado de ser olvidado. Ansias por controlar sociedades que no opongan resistencias para reeducaciones viciadas.

Se anhelaba la libertad de las formas  en cualquier medio y modo: se abandonó el cuidado personal sin aumentar la interna, se fomentó la permisibilidad , se relativizó  la moral, se desvalorizó el respeto , la atención a las personas mayores y , junto a  ellas,  a todos los especialmente vulnerables ante una incipiente depravación que como toda degeneración es insaciable.

Las buenas maneras, como razona Hilmann, se nutren de los valores que imperan en una sociedad (2005:589) y sin duda la erosión de aquellos ha traído las intemperancias de hoy .La soledad de una sociedad que se construye sobre el aislamiento y dolor de sus miembros.

Ni siquiera la memoria de los muertos, impedidos de proteger en vida su honor, inhibe a quienes persiguen obtener en la muerte lo que no se atrevieron a cuestionar en vida. Siempre la leña del árbol caído como añagaza del nuevo hombre. La agresión destructiva hacia lo inerte. No hay mayor evidencia del fracaso de lo civilizado.

Todo tiene un inicio y este era propicio para alcanzar lo que antes era patrimonio de lo furtivo. La necesidad de buena fe en las relaciones sociales fue sustituida por una desconfianza, cautelosa, la palabra por la firma en documento público y, con ello, la imposibilidad para el compromiso que incapacita asumir sacrificios.  Lo expreso Rubén Darío:

« Raras veces he encontrado
la lealtad con la expresión,
la caricia en el saludo
y el pensamiento en la voz[…] » .

El postmodernismo y sus consecuencias: relativismo, hedonismo, negación del dolor y de la muerte, exaltación de la soberbia y la superficialidad como « indicios » de superioridad social, no han hecho más que agudizar el deterioro en las relaciones interpersonales. Las percepciones se sometieron a la razón. La astucia sustituyó a la verdad de los hechos. Nada positivo se puede construir sobre el engaño, pero se intenta siempre.

Hoy, la cortesía se hace más precisa que nunca porque la fría lógica de unos hechos no basta a las emociones humanas. En escenarios críticos los valores que perviven en los modales hacen la vida menos árida, más entusiasta, más segura.

En un blog de internet surgió, hace pocas semanas, un debate sobre el silencio de las empresas que recibían currículos de quienes buscan trabajo. Es frecuente pensar que la falta de contestación sea una negativa a lo pedido. Uso social impuesto por un minimalismo sin matices.
Lo que produce esa indiferencia, podríamos creer, se acerca más a una torpeza que en el mayor número de veces no obedece a la intención de nadie y solamente a una imprevisión del responsable de comunicación.

Aconseja Drucker: « Considere que los modales son la manifestación externa de una simpatía hacia los sentimientos de los demás » (2001:337).

Y Tom Peters, autor de la obra « En busca de la excelencia»: « ¡Cortesía! ¡Cortesía! ¡Cortesía!. A más cólera, más cortesía. Punto » (2010:123).

Hablamos de la cortesía sincera, no de la falsa cortesía, tan inoportuna como fingida. Aquella versada por Rubén Darío:

«[…] Los rostros han sido máscaras
el abrazo una ficción
y la sonrisa una burla
y el compañero un traidor(…) » .

Que rompe la cooperación del grupo en beneficio particular. Que rompe lo civilizado en provecho de la barbarie.

miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2012

The power of art in business innovation (7 min.).

The power of art in business innovation (7 min.).
© Juan B. Lorenzo de Membiela

The changes impose challenges. Those who face them, adapt, can overcome them, those who persevere in what is already critical, failing. The problem is not only proactive to change, but opt for an effective architecture for a new socio-economic paradigm.

The challenge of the future, of the unfathomable. It is not the 'fatum' or destiny of the Greek and Roman cultures. The 'fatum' is the certainty led to the awareness that everything happens is linked by a causal chain.Therefore imperatively ensues (Schopenhauer, 2008: 108).

But this thesis is surpassed by the physics and biology finds that underlie the behavior of limited instability or chaos (Stacey, 1994).

Nothing is predetermined and nothing has a form until it exists.

By this vacuum we refer to the example. Example is what happened in the past. Cycles arise from its analysis. But these cycles found only non-linear realities. Do not offer answers to the crisis in particular. Then in where we find evidence of what happen in the future?

For Ortega, new shapes are manifested in art (the dehumanization of art) and other essays in aesthetics, 1925. And in pure science, by being more free activities, not subject to the constraints of each time, unrelated to the censure which amputates the soul. First Flash where there are any changes of collective sensibility that hides new designs.

Artistic inspiration, which is a source of original and new idea, has some clairvoyant. Reach the more ethereal, more abstract, which can not reach anyone. Contemplate the subtlety of a Flash in the darkness of the arcane may be indication today of tomorrow's society.

Because the poet begins where man ends. The target of this is to live his human route; the Mission of the one is to invent what does not exist.

The poet increases worldwide, adding to the real thing, which is already there by itself, an unrealistic mainland. The artist takes off from conventional, perhaps of prosaic, perceiving the extraordinary.

Author, comes from «auctor», which increases. The Romans called this the general who won a new territory for the Empire.

The aesthetics and perception of future?

The 'art' concept has also been studied by Drucker contrasting it with the theoretical. Art is something intrinsic to the Administration even its different nature with the theoretical (the essence of modern administration, 2001: 115). Its essential notes:

1. Art is private and subjective, the theory is a set of rules and impersonal requirements.

2. Art is ambiguous, the theory is accurate.

3. The art is instinctive, the theory is logical.

4. Art produces innovations, technical theory.

5. Art is a gift that may not be taught, in theory are communicable knowledge.

6. Art includes experiences, subscribes to the theory concepts.

Montañés Duato equate to artists and managers. Your connection is the creation. Both suffer and both are happy their results (political intelligence, 2011: 238). But also in the creation of the idea it is necessary that the Steering adopt a quantitative and professional asepsis that blur its reality. It is common that you repair most in the financial dimension that the quality of their own idea.

The creative idea and perception of future?

Refers to "creative tension" (King, 1986: 52-9). It arises when a vision that does not yet exist is discover investigating the forces that 'they bullen below reality». Then light the gaps between reality and vision (2006: 439-40 Senge), between the present and the future.

Leaders that possess this "creative tension" have hardened in a lifetime of efforts: to develop conceptual and communication skills. To reflect on personal values and align their personal conduct with these values to learn to listen and feel what is beyond a simple communication. Without that effort, he reasons, Peter Senge, his charisma disappears. Security that transmits to the unknown vanishes. The future is no longer what it was when he spoke to us, is more bleak, more bleak.

The creative potential of the organization is the only viable option to overcome the crisis, it has always and under all the circumstances. It is something intrinsic to every organization. And yet all human capital only a few have the tools needed to realize their talents for the future.

Creativity means dispel grades and ranks. In the creative, personal reputation is creative fitness: are not necessary credentials, or relationships, or years of experience (Hamel, 2008: 214).

Power art only. And enough with this. Or it should be sufficient. Another thing is wanting to take up the challenges of creative because it convulsionará «provisions» and like a few, almost no one.

martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

Parkinson Law , infinity business and surplus efficiency ( 11 min.)

Parkinson Law , infinity business and surplus efficiency ( 11 min.)

Juan B. Lorenzo de Membiela
Doctor of University of Valencia

Parkinson's law or law of the ascending pyramid was formulated for the first time in the magazine «The Economist», in 1955. Published by Cyril Northcote Parkinson, Professor of history at the University of Malaya, under the title 'Parkinson's law and other essays' in London in 1957. Condensed experiences from two British military agencies, air and Navy, for several years. He noted how the number of employees of the Admiralty and the Ministry of colonies increased in direct proportion to the reduction of the number of units of the British army and the process of disappearance of the Empire.

Between 1914 and 1928 the British Navy increased its auxiliary scale 78% and its officers on land and 40% administrative, although the total number of staff fell 32% decreasing 68% the number of warships in service.

The facts of the Parkinson's work covers a broad period of time and also includes causing the black Tuesday in 1929. Hence the appropriateness of referring to the same. This demonstrates that we we have a phenomenon beyond sociological crisis, military or financial, political regimes, or administrative or business structures.

When Northcote Parkinson was in the army as a major State of the Royal Air Force officer, recalls: «We were about seventy in my unit.» To be honest, none of us did much to win the war. (…)Mandated by our unit a Commodore. Below there was a Colonel. The Colonel, a frigate Captain low. Then came I: the Mayor (...). By a series of circumstances, Commodore fell ill, the Colonel was transferred, and the captain of frigate departed. And I was I.(…) Suddenly I realized that the job was ten times easier when everyone was out. There was no one that corrected me my grammar and, of course, nothing of the meetings. None of paperwork (...) » .

Today it is a law and a series of principles deferred, relegated as simple bureaucratic sarcasm, especially for authors of American influence (Chiavenato, 2006: 266) and Spanish (Morales, 2004: 104). However, he had incidence in Spain in the field of public service in the 1950s, very sensitive to issues of management. Professor Villar Palasí qualifies it for «humorous but truly inexorable» (1965,85).

It should not be forgotten that it was supported by several authors, among some, by Danish Poul Meyer management science specialist; the German, naturalized American, Fritz Morstein Marx and Polish, France, Georges Langrod resident.

It still has some economists, regarding compelled on the theory of the contemporary administration, as Henry Minztberg (2002: 275) Although in very specific aspects such as the growth of organizations.

Despite this, Parkinson's law is due to practice, to what has been lived. They are not results of theoretical speculation, and only, therefore, it deserves a careful reading.

Professor Jordana Pozas, published in «Documentation administrative» in 1959 some principles that make up this law. They are completed with annotations of other teachers (cf.: Fernandez, 1964,84).

Parkinson's law says: work expands to fill all the time available for its completion. I.e., the more time has to run an activity, more time will be taken for this purpose.

The principles of the Act are as follows:

1. A manager want to always multiply the number of subordinates, but never of his rivals. And that is to give more importance within the organization.

2. Workers are created work reciprocally, useless. I.e., the proliferation of unnecessary subordinates produces, as a result, a generation of equally unnecessary activities.

3. A Chief always invented work to their subordinates.

4 No relationship exists, or very little, between the work that has been carried out and the number of employees that has mandated.

5. Seven men are capable of causing more work than it did when I used to do it only to his boss.

6. The time used in the discussion of each issue of an agenda is because inverse to the importance of the subject under discussion.

7. The perfection of the structure of the company is only achieved when the institution is about to collapse.

8 Organizations are imperfect and its objectives are only achieved very late when they are already obsolete.

9. If the head of the organization is not one of the best will try to surround yourself with employees who are worse than him, and in turn, they will try to have subordinates who are worse than all.

10. Expenditures rise to cover all income.

One of the most controversial issues is that referring to the steady growth of the administration or company: regardless of the volume of work, the staff of a large company increases by a percentage ranging from 5,17% 6.56% a year.

The Parkinson's work resulted in numerous studies, among them, the Mason Haire in 1959, the of McWhinney in 1965 and the of Blau and Schoenherr in 1971.

He was Rushing, who in 1968 discovered that the growth of organizations affected two distinct components: the managers decreased while the administrative. This was due to the increase of specialisation in the company.

Another thing is if efficiency is achieved in this way or not. Blau and Schoenherr always increases, or in the worst cases, is maintained. But without a doubt, an excess of administrative apparatus arrived a moment because nothing can be kept in infinity (Mintzberg, 2002: 279) is unacceptable.

And another thing will be if efficiency is, today, the culmination of any management. Peter Senge, for example, qualifies it as a surface (Senge, 2008).

martes, 16 de octubre de 2012

The conflict and his social biology (9 min.).

The conflict and his social biology (9 min.). Juan B. Lorenzo de Membiela In «the dispute of the Sacrament"by Raphael, 1509 paint in the Vatican, the fathers of the Church are represented in controversial polemics. Different characters and temperaments are drawn, however, only concurs the unity of will and Word. Rafael was the definition of Nicholas of Cusa on divinity: "coincidentia oppositorum". Simmel employs the message of this painting to symbolize that the unit does not preclude the diversity or the conflict (2010: 19). The terms: creation and plagiarism, crisis and expansion, attraction and repulsion, sympathy and antipathy, are the result of divergent forces that necessarily arise in any social entity. The destruction not subtraction built, but, as a whole, integrates the end result. That is why it is positive. But let the destruction as forced and positive option means to justify the inevitable barbarism in society. To Edgar Morin, for example, the brutality of the conquest and domination are any civilization that arise, even refined forms of culture (Morin, 2009: 18-9). But admit it would lead us to justify a culture of death. The genocide, supported by Jews, as well by the Nazis in a systematic manner, either by Western society centuries ago: was through confinement in their cities; It was through inventions converted into truths by inertia once, as the poisoning of water wells to spread the plague or infanticide to use their blood in making the unleavened bread (cf.: Levi, 2000: 61). And justify the Stalinist deportations to the Gulag in Siberia and psychiatric hospitals (cf. Herling-Grudzinski, 2012). Or what happened in Katyn with Polish. Or the vertigo of the depravity in the island of Nazino. And justify the atrocities committed in Silesia against Catholic defeated German civilians and priests and religious. After the World War II, indifferent countries 'in victos' of the race (cf.: Kaps, 2008). Forgetting the leniency that the honor it imposes on the winner, as Alonso de Ercilla was: « (…)It is not overcome only glory nor is there the greatness and excellence but to know how to use the Vitoria illustrating more with the clemencia.». And justify extreme conflicts of the war in Bosnia between 1992-1995. And justify the cultural exiles on behalf of freedom and community consensus. Because in that intolerance takes refuge the destruction of thinking that prevents perceive its historic dimension, the man his spiritual career, to be aware of his truth and his freedom. The French Revolution of 1789, for example, force one social class against another destructive, not only generated crimes, unjustifiable always, they broke with a hierarchy to be implemented by a different but equally hierarchical. Rationalism was engine of this change that today, in the 21st century, we see languish. The error consisted of confused authoritarian power with the order. Only to conquer power. There is no society without hierarchy and one built exclusively on freedom succumbs to hands of the dissolution, first of despotism, then (Röpke, 2010: 139). Not all hierarchy is alienating but dispensed with all that implied a certain management giving way to the entropy of «emotionally instinctive». The truth became the underground heritage. Western constitutions seek to preserve the individual's comprehensive of any power. Offer, at least in the text, a sphere of inalienable personal freedom against the constraints of the community and the State. The revolutionary, destructive action offers edges confusing and unpredictable, because once started he immerses himself in what has been called the 'ecology of action» ((Morin, 2008,115).) It except its author becomes independence, is penetrated by the random, random, disfigurement and, finally, the environment is who takes possession. It is uncontrollable. It is harmful to anyone. Because there is no mastery of the complexity that cake thought, on the one hand, and the simple things on the other domain. The important thing in life is unexpected because we do not control the discovery, knowledge and action. The destructive go to an unpredictable, never known, always bleak ending. It is not the architecture of something new, but the decadence of what exists. A short dead-end. The will to nothingness (Spengler, 2011: 143). A departure without arrival. A constant fall, a dry vacuum. The creativity that builds avoids the narcotic of utopia to ravage.To generate the harmonic dissonance. The man suffers from a characteristic of immature species infantilism. His 'naivety' given the existence speaks of its fragility. Indicates a decline of social behavior (Lorenz, 1975: 67). And this can leave us at the mercy of storms without direction. As a species it has plunged into a competition so voracious that it avoids «power eternally active and sanadoramente creator». Determines its development as the most powerful biological factor preventing the good and useful to humanity as a whole (Lorenz, 1973). The destruction does not advance: the destroyed busts of the Caesars of Rome have not erased his memory for eternity.